
A sunny day outside

 So, the sun is doing a fantastic job today! It's about 20 degrees C outside and it feel like the end of a very long winter. I've spent a few hours outside working from home and trying to get every last drop of sunlight that I possibly can. I've even had to put on a cap. Although, as soon as the sun hides behind a cloud, the temperature drops a bit. That's not to say it's cold outside by any means. But, summer hasn't completely gained full control just yet.  Last night I spent a few good hours behind the TV. I was feeling a bit could and, you guessed it, brought out my good old wheat bag . I managed to stay ward with the wheat bag and the help of a few cups of tea. Always nice to cosy up en get warm after a long day of work.  Cheers!

The history of linen

Linen has a very long history it was first found in Egypt about 5,000 years before Christ however, linen fabrics gets preserved worse than wool or other materials and because of this and because the linen has been found in such scares amounts it is believed that linen was more widely used before than previously thought.  If we're talking about Europe linen has been very popular here throughout history during the Renaissance the Netherlands became famous because of its linen at the end of the 16th century linen was considered one of the most common fabrics in Europe and was grown throughout the continent but during the 17th century linen got a smaller roll due to the introduction of cotton in Sweden for example linen became very important during the Middle ages it was grown extensively in the Northern parts of Sweden many of the crops in Sweden during this time was owned by the church and during the 12th century a tax was put on to linen because of its popularity.  Historically...

Lovely linen towel

 Hi there! Welcome back, I hope you're doing well! For those of you who have being reading my past posts - you know what's up! But, for those who are new here I'll explain what this is. This , is my blog about linen. Plain and simple! I talk about linen and any fabulous products that I get my linen-loving hands on! Now time it's time for a new product. Here it is - the linen towel! Again, I bought it of my favorite maker, Blasta Henriet . It only comes in one color but I'm happy because I love the greyish tone of the fabric.  Actually got it sent to me about a day ago but I've already gotten the chance to try it a few times. In all fairness I was a bit hesitant as to whether it would really work as a towel but much to my surprise it did an amazing job! It absorbs water amazingly well and dries of quickly, too! The two different sides of the towels are made in different colors. This makes the design much more appealing and interesting. The fabric is very soft and...

Dreamy little pillow

 Hi all! Welcome back the the blog, I hope you're all doing absolutely amazing! I'm sure you're all wondering what I have in stock for you today. Well, as you might remember from my last blog post , I got a really nice wheat bag from a UK manufacturer called Blasta Henriet . Since I was overjoyed with the wheat bag that I got from them, I should come as no shock that my next purchase is from the very same place! Anyway, here is my latest goodie! Fabulous, right?  Yes, but what is it, I hear you ask? It's an eye pillow! In other words; a small bag made from, you guessed it: linen, that is filled with wheat. It's almost like a small version of the wheat bag, but more delicate! This one has a very nice design as well. It's hand printed and the linen is washed and treated with non-toxic stuff, so it's all green!  I used it after work about a week ago and I've been carrying it around with me ever since. It fits nicely in my bag and is perfect for relaxation i...

A very cosy wheat bag

Hello linen friends! I hope you're all doing fantastic! In this post I'll be discussing an amazing product that I recently bought from wheat bag manufacturer Blasta Henriet ! Here it is! Totally amazing, isn't it?  So I believe it goes without saying that this wheat bag is made from 100% linen. For those of you who are not familiar with wheat bags I'll tell you a little bit about them. So, I come from a family where wheat bags and self care products where used quite frequently. My mom sued to have at least a few wheat bags at home at any given time. So, whenever someone sick, had cramps or just got a bitt cold. My moms wheat bags would never be far away. We would use them after football practice, when studying or just when watching a movie.  So, as you can probably tell, I really like wheat bags. And it should come as no shock that a wheat bag is going to be the first topic for this blog! Back to the amazing wheat bag.  But first, if you want you own, the one that I got...

First post

 Hi all, This blog is mainly going to be about different self care products made from my favorite material: LINEN! So why linen, you may ask? Well, linen has many benefits. Here are some of the perks of linen as a fabric: • It is strong and durable! • It ages well. Unlike nylon or other fabrics, linen actually ages really well and some even say it gets better with time! • It's really easy to clean. You can use it in the washing machine, the dry tumbler or even iron it. Amazing! • My favorite thing about linnen, thought, is how it feel and the vast opportunities that it provides in terms of design.  With that said I think I've made it abundantly clear that I really love linen!  Another thing I want to mention is about the content of this blog.  I think a natural start for the blog is to contain real linen products. Thus, I will be mainly talking about the products that I've bought and have at home. In that way I'll be able to give more concrete examples of what I mean...